The client wanted to build a social networking app built for smart phones that connects you to friends, family and businesses. They can easily create and share its memories with the connections. They can do instant messaging with their friends, family and businesses with ease.
The primary challenge was to make something different social networking mobile app with extra and advanced feature because there are lots of popular social networking app in market. The second challenge was the creation and administration of tightly knit groups based on personal interest.
Globtier has dedicated and professional team for mobile app development who will handle the whole process from scratch. They listened to clients and understood all the requirements. After a lot of brainstorming, they were able to finalize the list of the features and technology to be implemented with the agreement of the client. They also suggested a few advanced features. And what they developed was way above client’s expectation.
View and Share your memories
Manage Profile & Settings
Direct Messages & Group Chats
View your subscribers
Android App Development
iPhone App Development
Web backend Development